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Result for TAG: Psychological Health
Create a Coping Toolbox: Grounding Skills Using Your Five Senses

Create a Coping Toolbox: Grounding Skills Using Your Five Senses

If you are experiencing burnout, you may have diminished motivation; have more difficulty managing your emotions; have difficulties thinking, concentrating, and making decisions; have problems with sleep; and have physical complaints such as headaches, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal problems.

Feel Better About Your Body Without Focusing on Weight or Appearance

Feel Better About Your Body Without Focusing on Weight or Appearance

Anxiety is actually a very normal part of being human. It is a function of the brain whose purpose is to keep us safe and well. In small doses, it can also help motivate us to complete important tasks. Anxiety is a product of our sympathetic nervous system, a network of nerves that are responsible for our fight, flight or freeze response.